Covid is the Trojan Horse for Tyranny. It is a cover. The truth is being kept from you.

It has been proven that there never was a virus that was that serious. Only a regular flu virus and nothing more. It was either a planned pandemic or a serious mistake by the WHO who declared it. However, I been finding out a lot about WHO and who is behind the decision making. It is obvious corruption is at the highest levels of all health organizations and governments. It is being purposely used against all of us and that is the real truth of Covid.

In a court of law in Alberta Health Canada admitted to this fact that could not isolate any virus as Covid 19. As well various labs around the world have come to this conclusion. So basically there is no basis for this pandemic. It seems governments have released a shot which is experimental, still experimental on the populations of the world. This is madness. Something that is 99.8% survivable is not a threat to your health.

I keep reading the word vaccine. It is not a vaccine. A legal vaccine takes 5 to 10 years to develop. This shot is not legal or safe. No safety studies were ever done. What does that say to you?

Frankly, common sense has left the planet. We have viruses every year, we will always have them. They mutate and cause variants. By using the media whom they control the government has created fear to insanity levels. All to innoculate a population that trusted them blindly. To take a shot that includes very questionable ingredients for absolutely no reason. This is a travesty of our current situation.

We now know these shots will destroy our natural immune systems and introduce things that have never been in the human body before. Many have died just from the shots, many shortly after. The horrible side effects have left many disabled for life. It is beyond a travesty that a government would allow this. Was this legal? NO, It was against all our constitutional rights, human rights, and the Nuremburg Code of Ethics.

Why you should be asking yourself, WHY? its simple. Its called genocide. We do not fit in with the corrupt governments agenda anymore. It seems the WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset is being introduced across our world. It is happening ,but will it succeed?

So we are dealing with a leader of our country who has coerced the populations to take something no one needs. He has discriminated and vilified those who do not obey his commands. Despite the fact the parliament seems mostly infiltrated or corrupted, the Senate was our saviour in our ongoing battle. However, it is obvious something bigger is at play here. Many have been aware and more are waking up everyday to the reality. The extreme control of media is something we must conquer now.

Does it not seem to you as a thinking person that nothing makes sense? Where are the ethics, morals and values? Everything has gotten blurred in the confusion and psychosis of our current living conditions.

Everyday is a journey of uncertainty. Mental health is beyond extreme amongst all the populations. As a person who is heart centered my heart is breaking.

Where do we go from here? Get writing and reach each out with love, with anger, with anything that will express how you feel Write our MP’s and Senators, local municipal government officials.

Be STRONG. Try and balance your day as much as you can. Stay off the regular mainstream media and pray hard. Time for action. Time to make a difference and stand up for our Rights and Freedoms.

Its an interesting world out there. I love being a woman and dressing in a feminine manner, however, it seems for some reason, people interpret feminine as sexy. I do not dress to be sexy. I dress because I celebrate my femininity everyday. Being feminine is not necessarily sexy, but I presume because I actually dress up, have my hair and makeup done nicely, I am considered sexy. That is just plain weird to me. I always found it interesting that my first acting agent used to call me sexy every time I walked into the office. It made me quite upset actually, as my skirt was not short, my cleavage was not showing, but I got that statement every single time. It has perplexed me for years. I also find it interesting that because you are dressed up and alone in a coffee shop, a restaurant or just resting between outings, that people think you are looking for a hook up. Has everything become about sex? Sad really. Once upon a time, we used to approach people as they were reading a book we had read, or were interested in reading. Perhaps we thought they looked interesting and wanted to get to know them for who they were,to see if we shared a common interest. We sincerely did not have an agenda, as many do today. It was because we actually enjoyed an intelligent conversation, or being really heard by someone and enjoying the interaction. It would be refreshing, to actually be appreciated for the person that we are and I am sure there are lots of those people out there looking for exactly that.

There are many perspectives out there on mature workers, and I represent one of them. Yes, I am mature, and yes I want to work. I do not plan on retiring ‘whatever that is’ as frankly I do not have that many hobbies to keep me occupied and as far as traveling, I have done my fair share and yes, I would like to see some more of this world but, the cost of just ordinary living is costing me enough. I am one of many, not only mature people, but also single in my personal life and I am finding it challenging to keep up with ordinary expenses. The corporate world, for the most part are basing their profitability on cutting margins and keeping employee numbers to a minimum and also keeping wages as low as possible. We all understand that, but what I find hard to deal with is that I find I am not valued as much for my maturity and experience in the work force.  Many mature former workers who retired early are going back to work, as they find they either need the income, or miss the working environment. Many others are finding there is only so much one can do to keep busy.


So, that is the dilemma. Many companies want people who have that maturity and experience but frankly where do we find them? I have put myself on every (almost) job search site, on many major company sites, and I submit over and over and nothing is happening.  I also find agencies want to box me into the area (i.e.) such as finance or banking as I have worked a lot for financial institutions. However, I want to work in something related, but different, and I have been interviewed for some jobs in that area but many of those are commission based, and I have regular bills and I need a regular salary. I am told I need a functional resume as I have such a vast and varied work experience. So, I did attempt to do that, and I also, at one time hired a resume writer to help me with the process. In the end I did not feel that either one represented the true me. I am unique, I admit it, one of a kind, I am not the type of person you can actually easily classify and that is the hard part. How to fit a round person in a square peg?  Hmmm. So what is one to do?


Well, personally, I am attempting to set up my own business focusing on the areas of life that are of personal interest. At this stage, I have to ask myself, if I really want to work for someone else? Do I fit in the regular working world anymore? So much has changed that in a way I do not fit, I like technology to an extent and I use it, but I also worry about its long-term effects on our humanity and our ability to be real in an ever-increasing disconnected, robotic world of business. Yes, it is about profits, but is that going to be at the expense of losing our ability to be human. So, I guess I have for me, answered and have the solution to my personal dilemma. I am going to start right now setting up my own business and follow my path. I have always cared about people and have been increasingly dissatisfied with the regular corporate world, so I move on to set up a business that represents real people in an unreal world.

by gale frost

Copywrite 2021 Gale Frost