I have been awake for a long time. in fact I saw it coming. Most did not. The increasing reliance and advancement of technology. The fact relationships were becoming more fractured. People were spending more time on technology than in interacting with one another. I am an observer, always have been.

I want to understand humanity, our purpose, our existence, who were we, what are we? Are we spiritual beings having a physical existence? Are we living in a dream world of our creation? What exactly and who exactly created us?

The most shocking thing to me to find out is that our history has been kept from us. Our real history. If you dive into the recent findings in the ocean, in obscure parts of the world you can see that civilizations have been rising and falling for a very long time on this planet. Whole civilizations have been lost due in part to climate issues, war, and events in the galaxy and beyond that people or animals had no protection from. However, are we to become the next extinction event as has been predicted? Will we be at fault or will it be out of our control?

I used to think most people were good people, kind people. During the last two plus years I have finally awakened to the fact evil is afoot like never before.. This is the final battle perhaps, who knows? We are fighting for common sense, morals, values, ethics.. Where have they all gone? I feel like we are in a living nightmare and the reality is that we are. We are fighting for humankind to come together but the shots have been designed to come between us, to divide us. The constant idiot box churns out the continued brainwashing narrative that insists we have something to fear. The fear should wake us up but those injected are suffering mass psychosis, a difficult state of mind to change. They have for years planned this, unfortunately. So this battle is for good against evil and the evil is beyond our worst nightmares. Stephen Hawking warned us about A1. I could feel this coming in the constant technological path of more reliance on devices to do our daily work. I detested, others accepted it as a novelty that became part of the living life.

Many of us attempt to wake up our friends and family or strangers and are met with a barrage of of negative narrative, in fact downright violent and nasty narrative. They refuse to look at anything else.. We have lost many along the way.

I encourage everyone awake to not give up, ever. I will stand on the hill with humankind and fight for humanity against the pure evil of luciferians whom are the enemy.

The World is suffering and being overwhelmed by its realities. How much more can people take? Two plus years of insanity has thrown humankind into a state of paralysis. I am astounded by the apathy and lack of common sense. However, I am a person whose brain seldom shuts down and who questions many things. As a child I was not allowed to think. I was dictated to and bottled up my frustration for far too long. I was put down when I asked questions or made a comment that was counter to what I was being told. In fact the last two years has brought up anger and frustration over the fact everyone is accepting the narrative by media and government as fact and not questioning.

How is it I knew from the beginning something was not right? Well to have a virus be 99.8% survivable was fine. I was not worried. However, suddenly the world was talking about giving everyone shots, experimental at first then vaccinations, and we had to wear masks. We had to endure lockdowns and distancing. Nothing made sense to me.

Anyone with any basic medical information should know that a virus as such cannot be contained. It is the flu, comes every year like the bad weather. It mutates and gets less of an issue. Simple for me. I am not scientist or doctor but at least I knew those facts. Then came the intense pressure of fear to take a shot, an experimental shot, that is still experimental and dangerous. I never bought into it. It was crazy to me and yet to date, people are still taking these experimental dangerous shots.

The shots themselves are not what they seem. Most people have no clue that in signing a consent, they are allowing the pharmaceutical company to in essence be their test subject for the experiment. After World War 2 an Agreement called the Nuremburg Code was created so that no government could use human beings in any experiments. That Code is being violated today with these shots being promoted as Vaccines. In fact they are NOT Vaccines, they are MNRA technology.

They are being illegally pushed and coerced into the populations. Within the shots are things that have never been in the human body. They are causing instant death in many. Of course no one hears about that. As well the figures on death and injuries are not truthful data. The facts is t hat more are dying and being disabled permanently from them. They should have been stopped within a short period of time. The fact they have not, clearly gives credence to the agenda.

This year the courts in the US ordered Pfizer to release its data information on the pretrial of this shot. The company wanted to wait 75 years. However, the court objected and the data released revealed there are a potential of 1291 side effects including death. If people had known this, would they have taken them for something that was clearly survivable and not needed? OUR governments KNEW these facts before releasing them. Do you still think they are for your health? The fact they have not, clearly gives credence to the agenda. The media in Canada is totally bought off. All TV, newspapers and publications are providing the government narrative only. That is a fact., So most getting the shots have no idea how dangerous they are. The top virologist in the World had stated, with the ingredients within these shots people may have two years at most to live… Please refer to Luc Montagnier, Nobel winning virologist died in February 2022. Luc Montagnier: “They are not vaccines, they are poisons” – Speech to the Luxembourg Parliament • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul (

What people are not getting and not processing is that these shots will destroy your immune system and alternate your DNA sequencing. They also contain infectious diseases and parasites.. In his autopsy analysis, Dr. Ryan Cole a pathologist has been very vocal about the results. However, any doctors that speak out have their licenses revoked and are vilified online by various agencies. The reason is that our governments do not want us to know the truth…Why would a government want to withhold the truth? I wonder ? If you read the Great reset, Agenda 21 and 30 you will know the bigger picture. Its not pretty.

I have tried very hard to maintain my sanity in a world that has lost its moral compass. However, I personally would never put anything experimental in my body. However, at first they called the shots, experimental, however, they have been changed to say Vaccination to avoid liability issues… and to trick the average person to believe it is for your health. It is not. It is about power control and population reduction. This is genocide, stage 1. I am sorry to say.

I am now overwhelmed with information and find myself in a place where I ask myself, how do I reach more people? How do I try and inform people of the reality of this world right now in May 2022.

An ideology being turned into a worldwide Dictatorship that is not about our health. It is dehumanizing to the extremes. IT is an evil, illogical ideology based on eugenics and totalitarianism in extremes. It is about power and control. Please reference to for more information or Agenda 21 or Agenda 30.

So many are not aware of what is going on as they have ignored the media and politicians for years. They simply had little respect for them and now we face a huge crisis.

Looking Back:

When we look at history, we see this has happened throughout the centuries. If you look clearly at what happened in WW2 you will see that the exact same methods are being applied. The creation of an event, the spreading of fear, the insistence on wearing of masks, vaccine passports.. All were prevalent before… look it up.

What is it about humankind that they are not content with a beautiful planet? The physical beauty in this world is unparalleled. The absolute stunning sounds of beautiful singers and music, is music to our souls. It cry’s out to us and soothes our souls. The utter magnificence of the written word of LOVE. The splashing of the waves, the sound of the wind in the trees, the birds singing, the animals leisurely crazing.. We have such an amazing world.. ,

It is unfortunate the rich on earth called Globalists value money or physical things over people. They have lost their true essence. They have lost their soul and somehow disconnected from the planet and people. They do not value others, only those who obey, whom they seek to use in whatever means they can. To devalue, degrade and break their spirits. It is a sad reality.

A sick world where humankind is screaming to the rooftops to stop. So many doctors and scientists have come forward but they are just being vilified as the truth is being kept from the masses.

This has been planned for a long time. I remain true to my true essence. I will fight on with all that I have as will many others, I will not live in fear, I will not succumb as many are. They feel there is no other way. There is. It is called truth and love and fighting for what is right, what is true.

What are we facing in the very near future? It seems our reality has devolved into chaos, tyranny and absolute insanity. Nothing makes sense or is rational? Our world leaders are mandating ridiculous violations of the constitutions of most countries. They act irrationally in trying to coerce the populations. Mandating does not mean compulsory according to our human rights. We live in democracies but it seems those who rule are acting like dictators. All media has been censored and controlled, I have proof they were paid off. So people are basing a life decision on one narrative. We know for a fact many are losing their lives or being injured permanently from these shots.

This is about power, not a virus. It is about conning people by using fear to have them take a shot. Millions have been disabled and the same numbers dead from a shot they never should have gotten. This clearly is WW3. Unfortunately, the Globalists feel they are Gods and can decide our fate. Seven billion people, and they represent how many people?

Covid is the Trojan Horse scenario. As the narrative gets weaker, and more learn of the truth everyday, when are we going to get back our freedoms? Many of us know the real Agenda. We have had little time to grasp the extremities and extent of this plan. The Globalists might have money, but zero compassion for humanity. They are clearly evil, and this is the last battle for humanity. In my heart of hearts I did not think this would happen at this time. I am profoundly overwhelmed with sadness with the reality.

My hope is that more people vaxed or unvaxed will realize the extent of this and do everything they can do to stop it.

We have such an amazing population worldwide, with great gifts and accomplishments. This situation threatens to destroy the very fabric of every society and culture. Human beings have been subjected to a form of mind control via the Idiot Box as I call it and the increasing use of technology. Many have lost their ability to communicate with one another, without a device and screen in front of them.

The dehumanization began decades ago and it gets worse. Just look at others everywhere you go, be it a cafe, a lounge, a restaurant, families out, are they enjoying the ambience, the view, the food, whatever?

Where do we go from here? Believe in yourself and in humankind. Reach out. Do not let the divisive narrative poison your mind and divide people from one another. Did you ever remember a virus causing this much division and take away your ability to function normally? This virus is the flu, more or less. The divide and conquer scenario must stop.

We have human rights. We need to learn to think again, to love again, to look a the bigger picture and remember history. What has happened to you that you are segregating your family and friends and disliking them for a personal health decision.. I reach out with love to all, we have to come together with love now, It is time to stop this madness and take back our rights and our lives.

Copywrite 2021 Gale Frost