In a world of absolute chaos what are we to believe anymore? The governments are clearly not telling the truth, for the most part, but whom are we to believe?

When we have people in government who are making statements or dictates to the masses and refuse to listen to any other narrative, what choice do we have? If they are not being transparent then obviously they are hiding something. Its obvious to me as I have been around too long to believe otherwise.

If it was a health issue then why are medications being banned? Health supplement stores are telling me to stock up on certain supplements. Why? That means they are restricting some things that could actually help us. That just spells conspiracy to me. Its so obvious that this is not about our health, unfortunately.

When we find out some government officials have bought into an ideology and are trying to rule the world, it is time to take notice and wake up. The Globalists are trying to play god with the masses.

To date there are large populations who are believing the narrative and not questioning it. It seems they are too naive or lazy or suffering from Mass Psychosis to rationalize and find out the truth. However, I do believe that is changing.

It does not help that the media is being controlled as I have the list of every newspaper, magazine and television that has been bought off by government funds in Canada.

Many are fighting back but we need to awaken more of the people, we need mass non compliance. We need to write our hearts out to the politicians to have a backbone to care about not only their families but their constituents.

We need action on many levels, but peaceful action. We don’t need to give them a reason to make things worse.

Its important that we try to balance the positive/negative aspects of our lives and live them as much as we are able. Best advice, turn off the television, don’t believe all that you hear, question it.

Think positively!

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