Our world has been turned upside down and inside out by a group of people who want to control us and imprison us like rats in a cage. Who do these people think they are? Are we dealing with aliens? Psychopaths? Escaped insane people from an asylum?

Many have known about secret societies and masons and others. However, the extent of evil we are witnessing is hard to define. To the amazing populations of the world who work so hard to provide for their families it is shocking and hard to understand. Most spend their lives slaving away only to be taxed to an unreasonable level and end up living on the edge.

Rulers of many kinds keep societies in some sort of order. It seems presently our world is now feeling the pain of prices skyrocketing to unmanageable levels. The classes of society have changed from 3 levels to two, rich or poor? Many more are living at levels where they have no place to live and are left on their own with no assistance by any governments. There are simply no more places to live in most cities and towns in North America. People are living in the streets in the forests or in recreation vehicles. It is simply not acceptable.

I have always cared about people and I am increasingly perplexed as to where this is going. It is quite obvious as we uncover the reality of what we thought was conspiracy theories turning out to be real. We now know the entire agenda and plans the evil ones have for us.

Why would governments as far as 60 years or more ago decide what they wanted by the year 2030? That makes no sense to me as government officials changed during that time. Were the decisions of that many years ago written in stone or were the new governments not able to comprehend or ethically and morally stand up to those decisions?

Who is standing behind or underneath these people that they would decide such a thing. To decide to reduce populations by 90%? what is holding a ‘gun to their head’ to decide such a thing.

I am exasperated by all of this. Being a humanitarian is exhausting ,as I care about every breathing living creature.

How are we to think anymore? It seems people are paralyzed by fear. Perhaps the mass psychosis is working and people just aren’t aware or accepting of this. Morally and ethically things are not making sense.

What happened to upholding justice? to doing the right thing for the children? Do we not respect our values and morals and are we making decisions based on fear? We need to find a way to counter this insanity on this planet?

We need to find solutions by bringing back our humanity, our humanness, and detach from technology.

It’s paramount we work together to benefit mankind. Ethically and morally we must stand up in mass non complacency ,to the evil ones, who seek to destroy humankind.

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