**My intention is to acknowledge that many suffer in silence and bring a voice to them**

I am woman, revere me. I bring life to this planet and yet why does this life devalue me, I am amazing; I am capable of so many things, of patience, of love unbounded by boundaries, of nurturing and caring and compassion. I know not the boundaries of the soul, nor boundaries of love; I am simply beyond belief unbelievable. I bring such amazing life, male and female and yet I am not respected. I am abused by you. I am saddened by the reality that so many women on this planet suffer abuse, degradation and neglect. I brought you life, but you leave me to suffer alone in a nursing home. I brought you life and you take advantage of me at every opportunity. You are verbally and emotionally abusive to me. You abuse me physically when I have done you no harm. I thought I taught you to respect all living things, I am living and yet you disrespect me. I am puzzled by your mind set, what happened to the child I raised? Where is my child I ask myself, for surely they would not treat me this way? Are you so blinded by society and peer pressure you have lost the ability to think for yourself? What has happened to you, my child that has made you become an unfeeling uncaring disrespectful entity? Who and what is stealing my children from me and poisoning their minds and beings? I am Mother Nature, I am woman, I will survive.

by gale frost

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