I never ever dreamed I would feel like this. Other than my children and their children and a few friends I am feeling increasingly isolated in this  society. I am a humanitarian and I care about all living things on this planet. I reach out every day to the world through my writing and encounters with other humans. Many times I give out a business card or phone number and yet no one ever has contacted me. I have to ask, did they not read my articles? Was I just a pain and they just wanted to get rid of me? Are they that lazy? I know we are all busy, are they that stressed; does it just take 10 seconds to forget I came into their lives? I thought I really affected people, but I am beginning to doubt myself. When you are creative and you write to reach out to another human being with love and compassion, you would think it would be easy to get published, and yet that is not the case. It seems it is all about whom you know, not what you know. I read every day on the internet how people are feeling so lonely and so alone. The increased numbers of pets people have acquired reaffirms my observations that pets have replaced humans in their lives.

So many people I know in the mature ages are isolated, forgotten and neglected, or abused and taken advantage of. It pains me to know this exists and yet I have close friends who have many health related issues and they need support, and yet their children whom they brought into this world just ignore their pleas for help in acquiring proper food and medications. How ungrateful society has become. I was reading the personals online and someone new to this big city was complaining that it is an unfriendly city, so hard to make friends. Well, I have news for all ages. I have lived in 3 different cities in Canada in the last decade as a single and find the problem to be in every city.  As humanity we have become disconnected from being with real people. We increasingly are online and communicating in that way. It is not a normal way. I long to have a coffee with a real human, who does not have a device in front of them like an addiction they cannot put down. I now turn my cell off when driving or when I am out. It is just plain rude to not do so. We have to stop being so connected we cannot function without our fingers on a screen.  Relationships are suffering at epidemic proportions, I wonder why? Not hard to figure out.

I have to ask the question; are we being programmed to be disconnected from one another? What is the agenda? Or is their one? It wasn’t that long ago we just relied on our answering machine and that was good enough. Surely, we can let go for a few hours or a few days. Perhaps we should declare days without technology as an experiment?  I do not like being alone, I thrive on my human relationships and yet I find increasingly, I am another forgotten lonely human wondering was it something I said,  or did? Or are people too busy trying to survive in this stressful world they have no time for another human?

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