When all this began I was skeptical about the whole thing. Now we have all lost 17 months of normalcy, and the world is in chaos. When all news, internet, newspapers, television and other means are being censored to the extent it is, does that not make you pause, vaccinated or not? Seriously, we are being manipulated and controlled to an extent never seen in the history of the world. Not like this.

In all of my life I never dreamed anything like this could happen, did we not learn from WW2? obviously not. I guess I have had blinders on like many, who basically trusted their governments to do good for the betterment of all. I should have known better. It seems I have been asleep for a long time. I have not read the labels of the toxins and poisons in our food chain. However we have let science just get away with guidelines and never looked at the bigger picture. I thought everything had regulators and laws to protect us.

We elect people in positions of power who should have psychological profiles done by a dozen professionals before even being allowed to consider running for office. The list goes on. We now have a world paralyzed in FEAR, on both sides of the coin. This was how Hitler became so powerful and it seems via the idiot box we have also become victims. When governments lock down people over a flu virus (which they cannot prove exists) destroy businesses, take away freedoms, insist we wear masks which actually are more detrimental to our health. To go to the extremes and push and push an agenda of an EXPERIMENTAL SHOT with NO LIABILITY. WHERE ARE PEOPLES HEADS?

This flu is 99.8% survivable as we have an immune system. So what’s with the shots? WHY would you need them? The figures are out and many have died from the shot. Some immediately, others within months, days, others longer and many have been disabled for life. This is definitely not for our health.

The real statistics are completely unknown as they have been tampered with. Also the shot does not protect you, it just lowers the immune system. Many who have had the shots are dying now and of course the governments are blaming it on the innocent unvaccinated. Many have stayed home and done everything right. Others with some conditions and compromised immune systems would never take an experimental shot.

Fear is being created at unprecedented levels. Its a sad merry-go-round of insanity. The fact we are being lied to by those we put in office, and those health professionals who are pushing them, is a travesty. They are now the enemy of the people.

To DENY people their freedoms, a right to live a life free of all this, over a flu is a tragedy. It is the biggest hoax ever subjected against the Human Race. I am sad, angry, frustrated and disappointed in the species, that has such gifts of beauty, music, art, the written word, and lovely loving people who are now been subjected to pure tyranny, by psychopaths who do not care.

I will end this by saying, I have realized over many years that we need to change how we do things on this planet, we need more accountability at every level and we need to be cognizant that we cannot let those who truly don’t have compassion and ethics to rule over us like heartless gods. We need to take back our lives and our countries for us, and our children and grandchildren.