Category: Humankind and Reality

It has taken me most of my life to find my true being. My true essence. My real me. I am bits and pieces of my personage, but it takes time to discover everything that makes me who I have become.

We actually are a miraculous combination of cells that create this body that in itself is beyond amazing. This life is a gift from the universe, a gift in experiencing the beauty of this planet and the finding of like minded beings to share and discuss our lives with. We are not meant to be divided by race or hate. We are meant to discover our lives in peace, cooperation and growth.

We need to raise the level of consciousness to fully realize our potential as a race of human beings. Let us explore the universe. One by one we need to evolve to a place where we can see past all of the fake news, the people in power, the agendas, the phony personas and all the other drama and just be.

Universal consciousness is an energy that cannot be seen, but it exists, I have experienced the connection. I have always known so many things and we all have a place in this evolution, but we must open our minds, our hearts, suspend our boxes of beliefs and just be with the universe as one entity.

Some may read this and think I have lost my mind, but I know we have created a planet of greed, selfishness, power and materialism. People are being programmed to not feel compassion and love. When you observe and analyze all the data out there you realize we are being programmed. We are being watched, followed, categorized and compiled into an entity which is devoid of individuality.

In the quest for finding ourselves we have become lost in the shuffle and programming of a world that is deprogramming the sense of self. We are loosing our sense of the individual. It is hard to recognize but I see it and feel it everywhere.

I am an individual who cares and feels. Am I one of few? I ask you to seriously examine your lives and try to find your true self. Not an easy journey. You are not alone.

Falling in Love with Love!

I fell in love with love like a lot of us do. We fall in love with a dream, a paradigm, an illusion, a delusion that is a way of escaping our pain. The pain of being alone and of wanting to feel love so we would  feel the connectedness.   We crave it like an addict needing a fix. We need to feel this powerful thing called love. We read about it, we obsess about it, and cannot get enough of what we think is real. We base our lives on trying to find our soulmate, our love mate, our perfect partner, and in doing so we keep it alive.

We buy into the dream, and it is reinforced by everything that surrounds us. We are surrounded by romance novels and people who write about it. Our cultures and societies and religions also have a role in making us feel that this is what life is all about. The never ending quest to find a partner is like our main goal in life.

In the end many of us remain alone and disappointed that we did not find that perfect partner. We feel defective, unlovable, depressed and unable to function and have a more normal life. We go crazy running around joining internet dating sites. We try and attend every social event possible in the hope of connecting with someone.

The problem is that our parents in trying to encourage us in life made us buy into what most people buy into, the dream, the belief, the eternal Prince Charming and Cinderella syndrome.

The greatest truth is that there is NO such a thing or person and by buying into it, we set ourselves up for disappointment.  We can meet someone and find them attractive but that is just an attraction. The true connection in life lies in finding ourselves as men and women. Getting in touch with who and what we are and our place in the universe. That is a tall order. Sometimes it takes a lifetime and many times we do not find it at all.  There are a lot of disillusioned people out there still trying to find that paradigm.  Personally, I was like everyone else. Expecting the impossible dream, believing the love songs were real. Reading romance novels like an addict and expecting Prince Charming around every corner. Boy oh boy was I dreaming, seriously. It has taken me decades to realize it is simply a paradigm. It is not real. Sorry, I am not being negative, I am a realist.

Relationships and I am talking romantic and marriage relationships are at a crossroads of change and most marriages in many societies are not enduring the test of time. They simply are doomed as long as we buy into a dream paradigm.  It is wonderful to consider the possibility, but we enter into relationships with unrealistic expectations.  Do we truly know and understand what it is to be a man or woman and be a life partner with someone?  For most, we have no idea. Many of us get together with someone when we are young and are completely not in touch with our true essence. Bringing children into the mix, because birth control does not work 100% of the time, let us also be honest about that, adds to the stress on a relationship. As well, we change as we grow up. We are not the same people we started out in the relationship. So today in 2019 we find the stats are showing us that relationships are breaking up at epidemic proportions and I think if more people could get past their economic situation there would be many more.

How do we as societies of largely single people all ages, survive with the cost of living these days, especially in developed countries?  Being single in North America if you are not able to work, are too old to work or find work, or are retired is really difficult for many who had not planned on being alone. Many people choose to stay in relationships for economic reasons and make the best of it.  Many more choose to get out and not feel like they are trapped.

It is up to all of us to make a decision that makes us happiest. In the end, I might not have all the material things, but frankly I am done with buying into that world. I don’t want a large home and fancy 1st class anything, I live a simple life, but alone or not I am happy. I have gotten past the absolute need to find someone. I have finally found myself and I do not feel as if I am half of a person. I am a whole being on my own. For most of my life I was pressured to feel like I am not whole as a single. I was put down by others who gave me a bad time. I had people say to my face there must be something wrong with me if I am alone.  The truth is I am fine, thank you. Sure I would like to share my life, but the reality is that I have not found anyone and I am fine. I am feeling very free and whole as just me.

For me, as for many, I just want to connect with likeminded people at multiple levels. I enjoy a good intellectual conversation, one that involves a lot of information and questions to ponder and discuss. I love that I have connected through my spiritual life with the planet and universe and I feel quite different from even a decade ago. I do not buy into ageism. I think it is ridiculous to classify people. That is a judgment.  I am not a clone; I am a unique whole individual who appreciates every day. I encourage everyone who is seeking someone to share their life with, to truly get in touch with who you are. To get out and live your life doing the things that interests you the most. Do not put off those places you have dreamed of seeing. Go out and live, do not exist in belief boxes that keep you from living, and mostly learn to love yourself.  That is the most important lesson in life.

I have been single 19 years and I have learned a great deal about myself, society and how people function. I have, like many, learned the hard way that life is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
– Firstly, we all grow up with unrealistic expectations of what a relationship is going to be like. We totally expect that it will be amazing in everyway. We very rarely think about conflict, or power and control issues, as we are just so positive that love will conquer all.  Many of us who have been in relationships before, and may or may not have children, have particular issues that they have to deal with. This makes trying to date again, just a tad more complicated.  So make sure you have done some work on the issues from the past before moving on.

The simple fact is that we are products of our environment and not all environments are healthy. So we take on lots of patterns of relating that may not be conducive to a healthy relationship.   The challenge for all of us before moving on is to perhaps look at seeing a professional to try and figure out where we went wrong. In other words learn from your mistakes, do not attempt to go into another relationship before you make sure you have dealt with the past. Give yourself time to become a better you.   No relationship is perfect and if you are seeking for perfection you are delusional. It does not exist..

My ADVICE: Now this advice is a little biased, but I have heard of many men having some of these similar experiences so please do not think I am bashing men to pieces, as there are lots of great guys out there somewhere!
-Give yourself time to find you.
-Do not go out in desperation to find someone else.
-Get a good counselor or therapist to help you work through things you should not be unloading on friends and family.
-Do not be naïve when you go out. Do not always give out your phone number when asked; ask them for theirs or their business card.
-Some people are very predatory and just focusing on one thing, be aware.
-Not everyone out there is single, do not be fooled, it is the truth.
-Because you are vulnerable, some people will do and say all the things you have been longing to hear, so do not trust anyone until you really get to know them better.
-Be aware of whom you are really dating, google them, Facebook them, do a search on LinkedIn; make sure they are whom they say they are.
-There are people in prison who are online; there are fraudsters and scammers on every dating website.
-Never ever be intimate before the sixth date or maybe more, trust that little voice in your head, do not devalue yourself, or let yourself be conned into an intimate situation.
-Never go to his place until you know him, and never invite him to your place until you have been dating for a while. It is your safe place. Do not underestimate anyone.
-If you meet someone new from a dating site, meet at a coffee shop, pay for your coffee. Always pay until you are officially dating and then figure it out.* I was left with a bill on a date as he really was certainly not a gentleman and he realized I was not easy, so disappeared and went to warshroom and never came back.*
-Never go on a dinner date in an expensive restaurant when you are first dating as I did, and then he expected sex afterwards, times have changed, and be aware.
*As mature adults, we all long for real connected intimacy and sex, but it comes at a price if you give in too soon, believe me.*
-NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LEND MONEY TO ANYONE (I personally can tell you a few stories of friends who got involved and even engaged to someone, and lent them money, and then found out they had been conned.)

Lastly, life is not a fairy tale and this world has become a very selfish one, where people are out to just get as much as they can from others. Many reading this will probably think I am paranoid, I am not but if you are one of my new friends and you are newly single, I hope you will appreciate my advice. Trust your intuition and if you are not sure of a situation, feel free to contact me and I will give you my best advice that I can… Now I wish you all a happy life, it is a big world out there, get out and see the world, travel, and do the things you always dreamed about, do not put your eggs in one basket, take the yellow brick road, you never know…….

We all desire to feel loved and treasured. That is the one thing we all have in common; the need to feel love. What is love to one person is not necessarily love to another. Many people believe that love is about power and control and they call it love, but it is not. How do we learn to love? Well, for the most part we adapt behaviours or ways of showing affection from our parents and families. We have many beliefs about what love should be and feel like. Religion and cultural beliefs come into play as well. Most of us never challenge the fact that what we are taught about life and love are not necessarily healthy. We try to imagine what it would be like to be loved. We even buy into what romance novels tell us is love.

However, after many years of reading those novels, I have realized that a lot of them are just fantasies of that particular writer. It is that authors belief of what they think love of another person should be like. Life is not a fairy tale and yet so many of us buy into what we read and are told.  Do we ever question it, or just accept whatever comes along? Let’s face it, we all, as men and women have unrealistic expectations of our relationships; and that is the reason many relationships do not last. The problem is that we all are expecting too much of those relationships. We also have become a society of people who have an extreme inability to give, and are too self-focused. A partnership or love relationship is based on a balance between partners, it should not be a power struggle. Finding a balance takes work and commitment to co-create a loving and evolving partnership.

How many are really capable of giving of themselves? It seems that many want to move on to another person, rather than look at the issues hindering the relationship they have. Most  are very reluctant to look at themselves. It is so easy to move on it seems, however, when children are involved, serious thought and introspection is needed. I have known many that have moved on and left behind and abandoned the children they brought into this world.  The result is children who grow up with issues around parenting and continue bad patterns in their relationships. A sad reality for many.

Having a healthy and realistic perspective is what is needed before entering into any relationship. Learning to love another person takes work, it is not magic, and not what we read in novels, it requires commitment, trust, and respect and lots of open honest communication about what we want out of a relationship and what we can give to each other. It is the elusive (for many) but a treasure we all yearn and crave for.

What is a Cougar?

We are all brought up to fit into our male and female roles and places in society. Our families give of list of do’s and don’ts and we are reminded all the time as we grow up of what is appropriate. However, times have changed and we have, and one of the things I have studied all my life is human relationships and our roles. This is a world where we have to stop judging and be happy for people who are adults, and in a relationship, be they older with younger and vice versa and same sex. I am as an aware adult tired of judgments, and just want people to be happy for those who have found someone special to share their life with, be it part time or full time.

Let’s face it; there are various interpretations out there into what exactly a cougar is besides a mature woman. Now it is important to say that Cougars are individuals as well, with different wants and needs, and although similar in some ways they are basically unique individuals. Cougars share the desire to be in relationships, be they casual or serious but in what one would call open relationships. They sometimes co-habitat, however are more likely to be living on their own. They thrive on spontaneity and enjoy their lives to the fullest. They are not traditional in that they dislike to be classed as older and refuse to become frumpy and dress like a typical older woman. After all, the most important aspect of being a cougar is their attitude which is about enjoying life and feeling as young as possible all the time. A cougar looks after herself in every way, she enjoys being sensual and feeling sexy and dresses like it. She is proud of who she is, in fact, by this time, she really knows who she is as a person and appreciates and celebrates her maturity. Cougars love their femininity and do their best to look like a woman who celebrates life and every moment.

There are various books on Cougars and a series on TV, as well as Cougar websites but they do not always share the same opinion or age groups, and sometimes one gets the impression it is all about sex. One has to remember, intimacy is only one aspect of a relationship and having a younger man does not mean he is that young! Although I must admit my former younger man was decades younger and in his 30’s and very mature for his age. I never expected to actually find someone that much younger who had the maturity and intelligence to make the relationship work. Boy, have I been surprised. Who knows, we took it day-to-day, week-to-week with no expectations. I like my independence and he needed his and we spent time together when we had the time to. He appreciated my femininity, intelligence and sense of humour. We did have lots of laughs and lots to talk about and it was nice to have someone who actually listened to what you had to say and also was interested in many things. By and far I have found that many mature men were not as open and had fixated ideas about what a woman should do, think and be.

We have all, for the most part been brought up and raised in traditional family roles and we as a species seem to prefer to be in boxes. Frankly I feel we are here for a purpose, and as a human are here to evolve not stay stagnant and remain in rigid roles. Having grown up in a very rigid strict background it was extremely difficult as an adult to shed the patterns and beliefs and become who I was meant to be. I challenged all my beliefs and changed my life and I feel so free and evolved, and yes, I prefer a younger man who is open to growing as a person, and can keep up with my energy. I feel ageless and it is an amazing feeling of freedom and pure joy to be a real evolved feminine cougar.

It seems like so many are reaching out to be acknowledged, validated and loved. We all need to feel  love, be it the love of family, friends, peers or a significant person. We all want to feel special, like our existence is important to others and to the world.  We have a never ending desire to feel it, sense it or find it. The important thing to realize is that we need more than anything, to find our sense of who and what we are, and what our place is in the universe. Sometimes it takes a lifetime, a long time or sends us on an endless quest of looking for a significant person to share our life with in order to feel some sort of deep connection. On our journey, we either chose to exist or live our lives. We also make a lot of choices or live like an addict looking for a fix. Are we really  finding what really matters?

I am no exception to the rule; I grew up in a land of fairy tales waiting for Prince Charming. I thought he would rescue me and take me away and love me with boundless passion and protect me from the bad things out in the world. Oh my, was I hallucinating. Did I actually believe such nonsense? To a certain extent most women are brought up to be princesses. I do not know who to blame, Disneyland? Hollywood?

Our parents,  in trying to protect us gave us the impression that life was so wonderful. We grew up in a delusional head space for sure. Life is not the fairy-tale we expected.  We had totally unrealistic expectations of what sharing our life would be.
I also find that society, the advertising, fashion and movie industries to be instrumental in reinforcing the fact that most women are just Barbie Dolls. They are just for show, or use, and not really showing that many of us are intelligent, sophisticated, entrepreneurial and just plain amazing human beings. I have met and interviewed many women who are so educated and accomplished that frankly I am just wowed by them.

We are at a time in history when we should not be undervalued. Many of us are evolving and represent more than the image portrayed by society and the cultures in which we live.. We need to learn to respect ourselves and our planet and make better choices as global citizens. We need as women, to take a stand . What message are we sending our children and young women? We need to set an example for our young women in respecting ourselves and the world we live in.

I never ever dreamed I would feel like this. Other than my children and their children and a few friends I am feeling increasingly isolated in this  society. I am a humanitarian and I care about all living things on this planet. I reach out every day to the world through my writing and encounters with other humans. Many times I give out a business card or phone number and yet no one ever has contacted me. I have to ask, did they not read my articles? Was I just a pain and they just wanted to get rid of me? Are they that lazy? I know we are all busy, are they that stressed; does it just take 10 seconds to forget I came into their lives? I thought I really affected people, but I am beginning to doubt myself. When you are creative and you write to reach out to another human being with love and compassion, you would think it would be easy to get published, and yet that is not the case. It seems it is all about whom you know, not what you know. I read every day on the internet how people are feeling so lonely and so alone. The increased numbers of pets people have acquired reaffirms my observations that pets have replaced humans in their lives.

So many people I know in the mature ages are isolated, forgotten and neglected, or abused and taken advantage of. It pains me to know this exists and yet I have close friends who have many health related issues and they need support, and yet their children whom they brought into this world just ignore their pleas for help in acquiring proper food and medications. How ungrateful society has become. I was reading the personals online and someone new to this big city was complaining that it is an unfriendly city, so hard to make friends. Well, I have news for all ages. I have lived in 3 different cities in Canada in the last decade as a single and find the problem to be in every city.  As humanity we have become disconnected from being with real people. We increasingly are online and communicating in that way. It is not a normal way. I long to have a coffee with a real human, who does not have a device in front of them like an addiction they cannot put down. I now turn my cell off when driving or when I am out. It is just plain rude to not do so. We have to stop being so connected we cannot function without our fingers on a screen.  Relationships are suffering at epidemic proportions, I wonder why? Not hard to figure out.

I have to ask the question; are we being programmed to be disconnected from one another? What is the agenda? Or is their one? It wasn’t that long ago we just relied on our answering machine and that was good enough. Surely, we can let go for a few hours or a few days. Perhaps we should declare days without technology as an experiment?  I do not like being alone, I thrive on my human relationships and yet I find increasingly, I am another forgotten lonely human wondering was it something I said,  or did? Or are people too busy trying to survive in this stressful world they have no time for another human?

Copywrite 2021 Gale Frost